This is the story of how I came to build my second aircraft, an RV-12 called Harvey (RV – Harvey – get it ?). Having completed the Snow Goose, I found I had time on my hands, and missed the many happy hours I had spent in my garage building my Europa, the Snow Goose. Just before leaving for a couple of months in Spain, I was idly looking through the classified section of the LAA Magazine, when a part started project of an RV-12 caught my eye. I had been thinking about another project, and fancied a metal aircraft this time, so this appeared to tick all the boxes. The problem was, I couldn’t get to see it for the next few months, so cursed my luck that the timing wasn’t right. On my return from Spain two months later, I wondered if the aircraft had been sold, so speculatively called the owner, fully expecting it to have gone to a new home. When I found it was still available, I quickly arranged to visit the owner with my Inspector to review it, and within a week or so the deal was done. What follows are the stages of build I went through, before Harvey took to the skies.



Pre-Purchase Inspection                            Inventory                                           Canoe                                   Fuselage                           Engine



                Avionics                                                    Canopy                                                    Upholstery                                                Test Flight